numpy求矩阵的特征值与特征向量(np.linalg.eig函数详解) 您所在的位置:网站首页 利用QR算法求解矩阵的特征值和特征向量 numpy求矩阵的特征值与特征向量(np.linalg.eig函数详解)


2024-06-28 23:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

… versionadded:: 1.8.0

Broadcasting rules apply, see the numpy.linalg documentation for details.

This is implemented using the _geev LAPACK routines which compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general square arrays.

The number w is an eigenvalue of a if there exists a vector v such that a @ v = w * v. Thus, the arrays a, w, and v satisfy the equations a @ v[:,i] = w[i] * v[:,i] for :math:i \\in \\{0,...,M-1\\}.

The array v of eigenvectors may not be of maximum rank, that is, some of the columns may be linearly dependent, although round-off error may obscure that fact. If the eigenvalues are all different, then theoretically the eigenvectors are linearly independent and a can be diagonalized by a similarity transformation using v, i.e, inv(v) @ a @ v is diagonal.

For non-Hermitian normal matrices the SciPy function scipy.linalg.schur is preferred because the matrix v is guaranteed to be unitary, which is not the case when using eig. The Schur factorization produces an upper triangular matrix rather than a diagonal matrix, but for normal matrices only the diagonal of the upper triangular matrix is needed, the rest is roundoff error.

Finally, it is emphasized that v consists of the right (as in right-hand side) eigenvectors of a. A vector y satisfying y.T @ a = z * y.T for some number z is called a left eigenvector of a, and, in general, the left and right eigenvectors of a matrix are not necessarily the (perhaps conjugate) transposes of each other.


G. Strang, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2nd Ed., Orlando, FL, Academic Press, Inc., 1980, Various pp.






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